Well, Spouse and I have both received our jabs - two doses each of vaccine.
(Which one? Moderna, as it happens, though why everyone keeps asking I can't imagine. I had no idea and had to dig out the card to look it up. I takes what I can gets, y'all, particularly for a contagious life-threatening disease that I have risk factors for. I've watched loved ones die slowly, gasping for breath, and it's a horror.)
Anyway. We got our jabs and then things went wonky. (I know you see what I did there. Don't ask me if I'm proud of myself. Of course I'm not proud of myself.)
Yup, we got jab-sick. But for much more than 48 hours. Five days in fact. Poor Spouse battled through the weekend and staggered into work on Monday and Tuesday, because the PTO benefit there is abysmal. As a contract worker with no looming deadline, I could take the time... unpaid. It's going to be a mouse-squeak of a payday for me. I mostly slept for three days, then worked short hours another two. Mouse. Squeak.
I believe all the over-40s in my extended family are now vaccinated. I hope we have guidelines soon to get 16 and younger vaccinated. When the whole family is jabbed-up, I'll breathe easier.
For them, at least. For us as a society, a country, a world, I'm still alternately holding my breath and wheezing.
Until we reach herd immunity, we'll keep getting new infections, and every infected person is another opportunity for the virus to develop a new variant. My biggest COVID-19 fear is that we don't get there fast enough, and a more-contagious, deadlier, vaccine-resistant variant develops. We're at nearly 3M deaths, and I'm certain we'll pass that before it's over; a worst-case variant could possibly double that. It's a nightmare to contemplate.
I am so sorry you both got so sick. I have heard of this happening to a few people, but no one I know personally. Take care.