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Showing posts from February, 2020

Just, Oh Carp

Mama always said, if you can't blog something positive don't blog anything at all. So, yeah. No job offers, damn few interviews, no tenant for house, no income from me, etc. etc. So no blog. A bit not good. At this point, I'm not even paying good attention to the numbers because I Cannot Make Them Better. I mean, hooray for savings, it's the only reason we're not homeless, but I rather wanted to use them in a non-emergency fashion. Had an interview this week for a job I don't want but will probably take if offered, because money. Dear Lord, if You had to make me, why couldn't You have made me a trust fund kid? I'm bad at life and bad at money and I really question Your judgement, bud. Thus endeth my not-entirely-sober and entirely heretical rant.